Sunday, January 22, 2012

Landing on our feet

Jan 22nd 2012-
This is going to be my attempt to keep you updated on what I hope will be a weekly or more bases.

Right now we have found a place we are interested in for an apartment. It is two bedroom and one bath. It is currently being built and should be finished in April. I know you are probably thinking "wow that is a long ways off." In reality it is kind of difficult to find a place that will meet your needs right of the bat. We are pretty content to wait if the land lords are willing to rent to us. There is one other place I would like to look at but we haven't received a response back for a showing.

If we are to rent this place we will have to put a kitchen in. It doesn't come with cabinets or appliances. That can be pricey, but we don't have to pay a realtor fee and the rent is very reasonable. It is also in a handy location of town. We would be close to shopping if we needed to walk to the bus and such and it is also close to the missionaries that are here so we could walk there as well.
We do realize that our plans aren't always God's plans so if this does fall through, God will provide exactly what we need.

Today we went to church and had a wonderful time there. We met a few people who do speak English quite well. This was encouraging to Tyler and I. Lately we hadn't met anyone besides the missionaries that spoke English. That doesn't mean they can't, some are just afraid to try. I understand how they feel.
The church is just starting some transitions that are very exciting. They voted on moving into larger building. Right now the building they are in can hold around 80 max. They are pretty well maxed out. The new building will hold I think up to 500. It is also in a better demographic for reaching more people. The vote passed and so they will be starting the moving process over the next three months.

I want to introduce you to the Reigels, Matt, Heather, Nicholas, Gretchen, and Joseph. We have already become quite close. We love each of them dearly and have had a lot of fun. I cannot express to you how wonderful it was to see their friendly faces as we got of the plane. They have truly been a answer to prayer.

I will try to post some more video soon. It takes hours for it to upload so we may keep it to one a week or a couple a month. Thank you for checking up on us! Take care and God Bless.


  1. So glad you're blogging! Such a great way to keep up with your journey as missionaries.

  2. Sounds like the beginning of a wonderful adventure with God!

  3. I love reading your guys' email updates. This blog is a good idea :D I am very excited for you guys to start discovering your new home. I miss Germany a lot on some days (I'm the German lady you guys were introduced to while visiting First Assembly in Manhattan, KS) Enjoy every day...
